
Our know-how and experience has been our main value

Power Clinical is a full service clinical research company. We provide sponsors with a highly-skilled and proactive clinical trial management team to design and manage phase I through phase IV trials worldwide.
Our clinical team has deep clinical experience, providing you with an extensive array of resources to support your drug in the clinic. Our efficient and effective clinical team can streamline your trial planning, start-up, monitoring and management to deliver the data you need, in a quick and cost-effective manner.

Our Vision, Our People

Power Clinical’s key strength is our people. We’re committed to hiring experienced professionals with local environment expertise. Power Clinical boasts some of the most experienced Project Managers and Monitors in the industry.
Our vision to be recognized as the Global Niche contract research organization (CRO) of choice, is a goal we get closer to reaching every day.

Professional Team

Our study teams are complemented by in-house and locally identified scientific leaders who work alongside our trial management team to support study implementation. This maximizes investigator and co-ordinator engagement and improves performance, especially with regard to recruitment and patient retention.
Power Clinical has the scientific networks available to engage with local clinical communities in each participating country.

Future Oriented

As a future oriented company, Power Clinical invests funds and resources on best practices, technology development to improve clinical management efficiency and cost.
This orientation translates into faster start-up, better problem identification and resolution, more informed decision-making and a corresponding increase in the quality of your results.